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       The “Junior Designer” Studio was founded in 1998 by Alla Leonidivna Rusnak at Chernivtsi Regional Centre of Aesthetic Education “Youth of Bukovina” and became one of first children’s studios in Ukraine engaged in designing.

      Alla Rusnak has graduated from Kyshyniv Institute of Architecture (formerly – Polytechnical Institute) in the major “Architecture”. Having some time worked as an architect, she understood that her vocation was creative work and teaching. In Kyshyniv she was the leader of the Children’s Studio at the Railway Palace; under her guidance the Studio has acquired the title of the “People’s Amateur Troupe”.

     Having moved to Chernivtsi she kept on teaching activities. More than 700 graduates continue their studies at different higher educational institutions of Ukraine; many of them became professional designers and painters. More than 100 times Studio members have become prize winners at regional, All-Ukrainian and international contests. Alla Rusnak has instituted the annual children’s “New Year Exhibition”, where the Studio students present their both designing and painting works. “Easter” exhibitions became a beautiful present for all “Junior Designer” Studio admirers.

   The “Junior Designer” Studio has been repeatedly participating in charitable measures arranged by Chernivtsi Regional Charitable Fund giving help to children, cancer and leukemia patients “Give Life to a Child”. For high civic position and display of humanism the Studio and its leader were rewarded with the Fund diplomas. For the great contribution to youth education, the Ukrainian Ministry of Education & Science conferred the honours title “Exemplary Arts Team” on the “Junior Designer” Studio (order № 733 of August 5, 2008). In 2013 by the order of Department of education and science of Ukraine studio «Junior Designer» the honoured rank was appropriated the "Folk Arts Team" (order №733-к of July 15, 2013). Nowadays 40 children aged 5 to 18 are members of the “Junior Designer” Studio. Senior students conduct “master-classes” both in the studio and beyond the same. Guest exhibitions have been repeatedly arranged. More than 20 TV programs have been recorded. The doors of our Studio are always open for talented youth.

Contacts, e-mail:  rusnak.alla1@gmail.com